There are limited spots for 2024/2025. Enrollment is now on a first come first served basis. Hurry!
CURRENT FAMILIES attending CIJS were required to complete the re-enrollment paperwork for the 2024/2025 by March 3 by midnight. If you did not do so by the given date, you will need to re-apply for the lottery.
The initial lottery Deadline Dates for 2024/2025 is March 3 at midnight. The initial lottery drawing will was held on March 8, 2024. CIJS has a charter contract that states if the enrollment falls short after the first initial lottery drawing that will take place on March 8, 2024 for the available grade level capacity, CIJS is now on a first come first served basis based on stamped dates in the lottery application system, grade level availability, wait lists and on preferences.
“The more risks you allow children to take, the better they learn to take care of themselves.” – Loris Malaguzzi
CIJS is a (Pre-k Through 8th Grade) Tuition FREE Charter School
Application Process:
Step 1: Make an account and sign up for the lottery. This can be done by clicking the “Begin Lottery Process” Button. DO NOT MAKE A 2nd ACCOUNT if you already made one in the past. Instead, please contact the school at and ask them to reset your account .
Step 2: Once you receive the good news that you WON the enrollment lottery, then you will fill out the registration forms.
Step 3: Contingent upon the grade level, you will do the following:
Preschool (Pre-K)
Submit ELC certificate
Submit immunizations and health records
Grades K-8
Submit the withdraw paperwork from your previous school to CIJS
Submit immunizations and health records
Step 4: Welcome to CIJS…You are fully enrolled. Congratulations! We can’t wait to see you!!
Lottery Application Process
The lottery application process is the same for all grade levels. Once you become a CIJS student, you will have continuous enrollment so long as you submit your annual registration packet by the due date unless you disenroll for some reason. In that case, you would need to go through the lottery process again. See the “Admissions Process” tab for more details. Click on the “Begin Lottery Process” button to start your CIJS journey today.
Instructional Hours 8:50 A.M. until 3:50 P.M except on Wednesdays, we dismiss at 2:50 P.M.
Grades 6-8
Arrival is from 8:30 A.M. to 8:50 A.M.
Instructional Hours: 8:50 A.M. until 4:10 P.M. except on Wednesdays, we dismiss at 3:10 P.M.
ALL K-8 Grade Levels Engage in Staggered Pick Up. See The “Arrival and Dismissal” Tab For Details.
CIJS offers limited extended care services. See that tab for details.
See The “Food Service” Tab for Additional Details
CIJS serves breakfast from 8:30 A.M. -8:50 A. M.
CIJS encourages healthy food choices. Candy, pop and other unhealthy items are not permitted.
Junk Food may be taken away if it is brought to school, so please don’t bring it unless it is requested for a special occasion such as a class party.
Some classrooms allow students to bring healthy snacks to school. Please contact your teacher for more information.
CIJS DOES NOT allow fast food at the school. Any food delivered to the school by any source inluding but not limited to Uber or any other source will be declined upon arrival at the office. Please pack your child’s lunch or purchase meals in our kitchen.
Cell Phones & Apple Watches
CIJS has a NO phone policy. Cell phones and Apple watches are not permitted at school. If seen, they will be confiscated and sent to the front office. You may pick them up there.
CIJS has a no backpack policy. Students may bring lunch boxes and a small bag the size of a purse for personal hygeine items. A single notebook and/or folder will be used for communication from home to school.