Arrival & Dismissal

Re-Imagining Education......Inspiring Inquiry Through Innovative Learning

Arrival Procedures

Maps will be given out at the Open House. Children will exit and enter vehicles on the passenger’s side of the car.
*The school reserves the right to refuse any individual to come onto our property for ARRIVAL OR DISMISSAL if they have created a problem.   
DO NOT park the local surrounding businesses! They may tow your car as it is unauthorized parking.  You may NOT park your car in the CIJS parking lot and walk your child to school to avoid the car line. All cars MUST go through the correct procedures for their grade level.


Students who are in the extended day or wrap program and arrive between 6:30-8:30 am will need to be WALKED to the front door and dropped off through the vestibule. If you arrive after 8:30 am, you will need to follow the normal drop off procedures.


Students will drop their bike off in the designated bike area. All students will enter the front door and go to one of the following two locations:
·       Designated holding area for their class
·       Multipurpose room if they are eating breakfast


All students will enter the front door and go to one of the following two locations:
·       Designated holding area for their class
·       Multipurpose room if they are eating breakfast
You may not make your child a “walker” to avoid the car line!!


For the safety and security of our students, parents cannot use cellphones in the Car Line.
Students cannot be dropped off until CIJS Staff are present in the Car Line to receive them at 8:30 A.M..
Upon exiting the van, students will enter through the front door.  Once on campus, they will go to one of the following two locations:
·       Designated holding area for their class
·       Multipurpose room if they are eating breakfast
There are two options for arrival contingent upon your grade level from 8:30 A.M. to 8:50 A.M.

Option #1: Drop off in the front of the building (ALL K-8 Students & Vans)

Cars will enter from the South entrance off of Old Hickory Tree Rd. at Exchange Place and drive all the way around the campus to the North main entrance. Once you pull in to the entrance, you will take an immediate left, looping through the parking lot and to the front of the building. Upon entry in the parking lot, you will form 2 car lines.  Once you get closer to the front of the building the cars will merge back to a single file line as you drive past the front of the school, stopping at the closest available spot near the front of car line. There you will see people who will be there to greet you. Once the child (ren) leave the van, you may carefully pull out into the left lane and begin leaving the premises.  Upon reaching the end of the parking lot, turn left on to Exchange Place and head that direction to turn right on Hickory Tree Rd. to leave the area completely.

Option #2: Drop off at the back of the building (2-8 ONLY). NO REAR drop off for VPK, kinder & 1st grade

Cars will line up on the South side of the building, Gates will open at 8:30 A.M.  and allow cars to enter in the back, make an immediate left to circle around the track in a clockwise manner.  Students will exit the car and enter the building.  Cars will exit the South side and go in the direction that the traffic staff director asks you to leave the campus.


Car Line will open at 8:15 A.M. and closes at 8:25 A.M. for morning class and open at 11:45 A.M. and closes at NOON for afternoon class.
Cars will enter from the South entrance off of Old Hickory Tree Rd. at Exchange Place and drive all the way around the campus to the North main entrance. Once you pull in to the entrance, you will go straight to the front of the building all the way to the end. DO NOT follow the car loop with the K-3 parents.   You will get out of your vehicle and walk your child to the South single gate.  There you will see people who will be there to greet you.  Please sign your child in upon drop off.
Students cannot be dropped off until CIJS Staff are present in the Car Line to receive them after 8:15 A.M. for morning class and 11:45 A.M. for afternoon class.

Dismissal Procedures

All children must be picked up by a parent/guardian or an adult approved by the parent and school.  The school reserves the right to refuse any individual to come onto our property for drop-off or pick-up if they have created a problem.   
All persons (including parent/guardian) authorized to pick a child up from the school must be listed on the Pick-Up Permission form.  We require one person listed on the form to be available within a reasonable time (not to exceed a total of 2 hours, call and pick up) to get a sick child or a student CIJS has determined needs to go home.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to properly fill out all forms and make changes whenever necessary.  In a custody situation, the parent/guardian signing the child into our school takes the responsibility to ensure this is in accordance with their court agreement (a copy must be attached to the enrollment forms if any limitation of rights is stated on the form).  CIJS is not responsible for maintaining compliance on any custody situations or parent time-sharing agreements. CIJS will only ensure that any person picking up is authorized according to the pickup list.  If a parent/guardian who is not listed or believes the information provided is inaccurate, they must provide a copy of “court order” supporting documentation to correct the form.  The Pick-up Permission form will be updated and certified annually.
At the Open House, parents will be given two tags per family.  Each tag will have their child’s first and last name along with the zone # (1, 2, 3 etc.) written on it. Any additional tags needed may be charged at $1.00 per tag. Requests for additional tags should be emailed to the office at  When using the pickup line, please bring this card with you. If you have multiple families in the same carpool, please bring all of the tags with you.  We will scan each card as you come through the line.  
Parents without cards will be directed to the front office to show your driver’s license and to pick up a temporary tag with your zone number written on it. Then, you will have to walk around to the back again to be scanned during your zone time!!  It is best to avoid forgetting your tag or it WILL take you twice the time to pick up your child.
PLEASE DO NOT COME BEFORE YOUR ZONE TIME OR YOU WILL NOT BE SCANNED until your zone time.  DO NOT park the local surrounding businesses! They may tow your car as it is unauthorized parking. 


Students who are in the extended day or wrap program and arrive between 4:00 pm-6:00 pm will need to be picked up at the front vestibule. Students will be called from the extended care room and sent up front.


Students will be dismissed and sent to pick up their bike in the designated bike fence area and will head home according to the parent/guardian’s plans.  CIJS is not responsible for the student once they leave the property of the school. Bike riders will be dismissed at 4:15.


Students will be dismissed and will head home according to the parent/guardian’s plans.  CIJS is not responsible for the student once they leave the property of the school. Walkers will be dismissed at 4:15
You may not make your child a “walker” to avoid the car line.


Vans will enter the campus on the North side and go to the front of the building and park. CIJS will bring your kiddos out to you. CIJS is not responsible for the student once they enter the van.  We will dismiss the van riders at 4:15.


For the safety and security of our students, parents cannot use cell phones in the Car Line. Car Line will open at 11:30 A.M. for the morning class and at 3:00 P.M. for the afternoon class. 
Cars will enter from the South entrance off of Old Hickory Tree Rd. at Exchange Place and drive all the way around the campus to the North main entrance. Once you pull in to the entrance, you will go straight to the front of the building all the way to the end.   You will get out of your vehicle and walk to the South single gate.  There you will see people who will be there to greet you. You will need to sign your child out before taking them.
If a car is picking up students in an older age group, you will need to come back during their dismissal time and follow their procedures.
Children will exit and enter vehicles on the passenger’s side of the car.



Dismissal begins at 3:55. Students will be dismissed in zones in order to provide an efficient system for pickup.  Note: There is a 1 hour early release EVERY Wednesday.  Zone Times are as Follows:
Zone 1: 3:55/2:55 Grades 2&3
Zone 2: 4:00/3:00 Grades 4&5
Zone 3: 4:10/3:10 Grades K&1
Zone 4: 4:15/3:15 Intermediate Grades. 6-8
If you are picking up students in multiple time brackets, all students will be ready for pick-up at the time the OLDEST student is dismissed.  
Please DO NOT come to the office to avoid the line. The office will lock the vestibule doors at 3:15 M, T, H, F and 2:15 on Wed. and will reopen it at 3:55 for dismissal.  Students will NOT be permitted to be signed out after that point until they get picked up at dismissal during the car line.
3 early dismissals equate to 1 absence. CIJS has a strict attendance policy.  See the attendance policy for further details.
All Zones follow the following protocol.  You may park your car in the front or rear parking lot.  Please enter from the South entrance from Old Hickory Tree Rd. at Exchange Place and drive either to the track which is in the back of the building and will be opened for dismissal or go all the way around the campus to the North main entrance if you are parking in the front. Once you pull in to the entrance. Find a parking spot and walk to the rear of the building. We will scan your card at your designated zone time and allow you to enter the building.  Please keep an eye out for your child as they walk into the MPR. Exit the MPR from the opposite door, enter your vehicle and leave the parking lot in the same manner as you did for arrival.

Important Notes:

  • We WILL NOT scan you until your zoned time.


  • You WILL NOT get your child any faster by waiting in line earlier.  
  • Please DO NOT take up a parking space until your child is ready to leave. 
  • Please DO NOT park in the surrounding business parking lots.

Lightning/Rain Procedures


Safety is our number one priority, therefore if CIJS sees lighting, we will delay the pickup process for 5 minutes each time we see it strike.  Please be patient


       Normal procedures will be followed UNLESS LIGHTNING OR HEAVY RAIN IS PRESENT
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