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Local Wellness


Statement on Bullying:

Our aim is to create an atmosphere in which children feel safe, at home, and comfortable to meet their academic and emotional challenges in productive ways. We will do our best to protect children from bullying and other forms of cruelty.
At the same time, at CIJS we believe that children who bully do so out of their own pain and inability to manage and move outside of it. It is our job as adults, to teach children how to get their emotional needs met without inflicting damage on others. Therefore, the admin team will work with parents, staff and students to handle conflict and resolve bullying to the best of our ability.
To the extent possible, teachers and staff at CIJS will remain actively engaged with students, so that it will be difficult for bullying to take place. In such rare instances when bullying behavior does occur, the children involved will be separated as much as possible, the CIJS Bullying Prevention Plan will be followed, our guidance counselor will become involved, and every effort will be made to help the children find a peaceful and productive resolution to their conflict.

What Constitutes Bullying:

Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. To be considered bullying the behavior typically is REPEATEDLY directed toward the SAME child or children.


Osceola Matrix of Infractions for Bullying BUL* – The act of systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees, that is severe or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment; or unreasonably interferes with the individual’s school performance or participation. Bullying includes instances of cyberbullying. 



Instructional Continuity Plan

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School Accountability Report

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